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Grace in Roman Catholic Theology
- Grace may be described as the gratuitous self-communication of God through Christ in the Holy Spirit. The term also refers to the living, actual, and continuous experience humans have of this saving event. In a wholly unmerited way, the Spirit of the risen Christ becomes present in the chur...
- Author
- Paul O’Callaghan and Catalina Vial de Amesti
- Faith tradition
- Christianity
- Topics
- Being and existence
Jesus’ Descent into Hell
- The Apostles’ Creed affirms that, between his death and resurrection, Jesus Christ descendit ad inferna, ‘descended to the realm of the dead’ or, more traditionally, ‘descended into hell’. Christians across time and history have expressed particular interpretations of this clause in liturgy...
- Author
- Preston McDaniel Hill and Catherine Ella Laufer
- Faith tradition
- Christianity
- Topics
- Being and existence
Christian Experience: A Catholic View
- Building on the philosophical groundwork regarding experience, this article examines the meaning of Christian experience from a Catholic perspective. Christian experience of God is here understood as a graced act through which a person becomes affectively aware of the meaning of the event o...
- Author
- Antonio López
- Faith tradition
- Christianity
- Topics
- Being and existence
Experience: A Philosophical View
- The philosophical account of experience presented here considers this ‘most deceitful’ (16) and ‘obscure’ (346) word as an epistemological category, that is, as integral to our access to truth in both its gnoseological and ontological dimensions. Experience, in this sense, is the practical ...
- Author
- Antonio López
- Faith tradition
- Christianity
- Topics
- Being and existence
Jesus’ Preexistence and Incarnation
- This article defines the doctrinal concepts of ‘preexistence’ and ‘incarnation’ as they are applied to Jesus Christ. It explores the doctrine of the incarnation in Christian scripture as it was interpreted by the first seven ecumenical councils of the ancient church. It argues that these ...
- Author
- David Moser
- Faith tradition
- Christianity
- Topics
- Being and existence
The Goodness, Holiness, and Love of God
- What is true of God? And what is God like? What are God’s qualities? These are perennial questions in theology. These questions receive an answer via the doctrine of the divine attributes. The doctrine unfolds God’s names, what is true of the one essence of the one God, Father, Son, and Hol...
- Author
- Christopher R. J. Holmes
- Faith tradition
- Christianity
- Topics
- Being and existence
Dependent Arising
- This article takes a broadly historical approach, discussing aspects of a topic that is important in each and every phase of the Buddhist tradition. Dependent arising (pratītya-samutpāda) is a key conceptual formulation of the truth (dharma) to which the Buddha is said to have awakened, and t...
- Author
- Dhivan Thomas Jones
- Faith tradition
- Buddhism
- Topics
- Being and existence
Divine Eternity
- Among theists there is neither philosophical nor theological consensus regarding divine eternity. Disagreement can be sharp, and the literature treating God’s eternity is vast, varied, and often complex. For Christians there is a perennial interest in divine eternity because Christianity is a...
- Author
- James E. Dolezal
- Faith tradition
- Christianity
- Topics
- Being and existence
Christological Anthropology
- Theologians have long maintained that Christology is vital for a properly theological understanding of the human person. Patristic theology maintained an intrinsic link between the humanity revealed in Christ and that which we ought to believe about humanity in general (), an emphasis that ...
- Author
- Marc Cortez and Daniel Lee Hill
- Faith tradition
- Christianity
- Topics
- Being and existence
Gender and Buddhist Doctrine
- Women have been part of Buddhism since its inception in India, both as nuns and laity. As the tradition progressed, both within India and beyond, texts and traditions emerged that are or can be perceived as negative towards women. Within Buddhist texts, this negativity is shaped around two ...
- Author
- Alice Collett
- Faith tradition
- Buddhism
- Topics
- Being and existence
11 - 20 of 45 Results.