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Angels in Christian Theology
- The doctrine of angels is not the heart of the gospel. However, it is also not extrinsic cultural symbolism borrowed from the surrounding culture, purely accidental, as a means through which the Christian faith expressed itself in the past, and which it could – or even should – abandon today ...
- Author
- Serge-Thomas Bonino
- Faith tradition
- Christianity
- Topics
- Being and existence
- Evil both is and is not a central part of the Christian theological vision. There is no equal and opposite to God, and no necessary or appropriate place for evil in God’s good creation. Nevertheless, creation is afflicted by evil: the divine response to evil is a central part of Christian f...
- Author
- Karen Kilby
- Faith tradition
- Christianity
- Topics
- Being and existence
Divine Simplicity
- The conceptual notion of divine simplicity is a contested one, both in modern continental Christian theology and contemporary analytic philosophy. Nevertheless, it is of central importance in the patristic and scholastic traditions of mainstream Christian theology and has a place in signifi...
- Author
- Thomas Joseph White O.P.
- Faith tradition
- Christianity
- Topics
- Being and existence
- Popular understandings of the Christian doctrine of creation are subject to two common misconceptions. Firstly, it is often viewed as a scientific hypothesis or historical claim about the origin of the world. Secondly, it tends for this reason to be treated as less a matter of faith (and th...
- Author
- Ian A. McFarland
- Faith tradition
- Christianity
- Topics
- Being and existence
Divine Energies
- This article discusses the historical origins and the development of the Eastern Orthodox doctrine of the divine energies. After a brief discussion of Aristotle and Plotinus, an overview is given of the relevant biblical material in the Old and New Testament. The article then looks at the...
- Author
- Christoph Schneider
- Faith tradition
- Christianity
- Topics
- Being and existence
Nonhuman Animals in Christian Theology
- The twentieth century saw a dramatic growth in theological considerations of nonhuman animals and the nonhuman world in general. A number of varying perspectives, including ecotheology, animal theology, liberation theology, ecofeminism, creation spirituality, and Indigenous spirituality –...
- Author
- Ryan McLaughlin
- Faith tradition
- Christianity
- Topics
- Being and existence
- Beyond its basic meaning as the divine dwelling place, the idea in Christian theology of heaven as the ultimate (or penultimate) destiny of human beings is where most reflection has focused, and where most problems arise. The first part of this entry explores conceptual issues, the second...
- Author
- David Brown
- Faith tradition
- Christianity
- Topics
- Being and existence
God and Philosophy of Time
- What Christians call ‘creation’ is fundamentally, inescapably, and entirely temporal. Humans, too, are temporal beings. As such, understanding the nature of time has been a philosophical pursuit since the pre-Socratic philosophers. Theologians have not been exempted from this interest, an...
- Author
- Emily Qureshi-Hurst
- Faith tradition
- Christianity
- Topics
- Being and existence
- In contemporary English, ‘hell’ is almost always used to refer either literally or metaphorically to a place of post-mortem punishment. However, in a longer perspective, the term was once commonly used to allude to the underworld more generally. In the latter sense in the Catholic West it b...
- Author
- David Brown
- Faith tradition
- Christianity
- Topics
- Being and existence
Purgatory in Historical Perspective
- Purgatory is a place, state, or stage in the Christian afterlife where, after death, the soul is purged of minor, unexpiated sin so that it can be fit for heaven. ‘Purgatory’ derives from the Latin purgare (to purge) and hence as the noun purgatorium it is a place of purgation and purific...
- Author
- Isabel Moreira
- Faith tradition
- Christianity
- Topics
- Being and existence
21 - 30 of 45 Results.