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Anabaptist Theology
- Anabaptist theology is the expression and communication of theological convictions that have sustained the ordinary life of faith communities within the Anabaptist tradition of Christianity. Alongside this ordinary Anabaptist theology, a more formal, ‘academic’ version has developed since a...
- Author
- Jamie Pitts and Luis Tapia Rubio
- Faith tradition
- Christianity
- Topics
- Theological movements
Participation in the Christian Doctrinal and Philosophical Tradition
- ‘Participation’ or ‘partaking’ has featured in Christian theology since the New Testament, describing a relation of derivation, likeness, or communion. Theologians including Gregory of Nyssa, Augustine of Hippo, Pseudo-Dionysius, Maximus the Confessor, and Thomas Aquinas made this theme a...
- Author
- Andrew Davison
- Faith tradition
- Christianity
- Topics
- Being and existence
The Theology of the Council of Nicaea
- The Council of Nicaea in 325 was a critical theological and institutional watershed between the local and often diverse theologies of one God as Trinity in the second- and third-century Christian communities and the universal or catholic credal statements of the ancient imperial church th...
- Author
- Rebecca Lyman
- Faith tradition
- Christianity
- Topics
- Theological movements
Virginity in the Christian Tradition
- This entry traces the development of the Christian understanding of virginity with specific attention to theology and embodied, ecclesial practice. Often reductively assumed to be the bodily state of one (usually a woman) who has not had sexual intercourse, this entry examines virginity m...
- Author
- Amy Brown Hughes
- Faith tradition
- Christianity
- Topics
- Spiritual life and practices
Conciliar Christology
- This article presents the concept of Conciliar Christology, the Christology taught at the first seven ecumenical councils of the Christian Church. It then discusses the motivations for considering Conciliar Christology when theorizing about the incarnation. These motivations include the his...
- Author
- Timothy Pawl
- Faith tradition
- Christianity
- Topics
- Theological methods
Jesus Christ as Ancestor
- One of the recurring themes in African Christian theological discourse is that of Christ as ‘an ancestor’. This article considers the meaning of Jesus Christ as an ‘ancestor’, first by introducing African ancestral belief and then examining perspectives from African theologians who apply an...
- Author
- Reuben Turbi Luka
- Faith tradition
- Christianity
- Topics
- Theology of religions
- From its origins, ‘faith’ has been a central category which correlates positively with the high regard for the discipline of theology in Christianity. However, it has been understood in various different ways. Current controversies about faith crystallize around an unusual expression empl...
- Author
- Paul R. Hinlicky
- Faith tradition
- Christianity
- Topics
- Spiritual life and practices
Substance Dualist Theological Anthropology
- This article explores a conception of the human from a substantival perspective of the wider Christian tradition. After a general survey of substance dualist theological anthropology, the article focuses on the interplay between human constitution and the imago Dei (image of God). By focusi...
- Author
- Joshua Farris
- Faith tradition
- Christianity
- Topics
- Being and existence
Queer Theology
- This entry establishes the contested nature of ‘queer’ as a term and provides an overview of some significant theoretical perspectives on queerness. It then outlines the emergence of queer Christian theology as it developed from both theological reflections on LGBT+ sexuality and gender var...
- Author
- Jack Slater and Susannah Cornwall
- Faith tradition
- Christianity
- Topics
- Theological methods
The Natures, Minds, and Wills of Christ in Christian Philosophy
- This article surveys the controversies concerning Jesus’ natures, minds, and wills. It begins with an overview of the debates concerning the exegesis of relevant scriptural passages; the historical controversies leading up to the landmark Chalcedonian Definition (451 CE); and significant ...
- Author
- Andrew Ter Ern Loke
- Faith tradition
- Christianity
- Topics
- Being and existence
1 - 10 of 11 Results.