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Reasons for the Commandments (Kabbalah)
- This article delves into Kabbalistic rationales for the commandments, tracing their theological constructs since their origin in the late twelfth century. It highlights the four aspects of these rationales: theurgic, magical, mystical, and eschatological, showcasing their unique approach to d...
- Author
- Leore Sachs-Shmueli
- Faith tradition
- Judaism
- Topics
- Law
Law and Theology in the Western Legal Tradition
- The term ‘law’ does not admit of easy or universal definition. In its broadest sense, law consists of all the written and unwritten norms that govern human conduct – moral commandments, state statutes, church canons, family rules, commercial habits, communal customs, and others. It includes...
- Author
- John Witte Jr.
- Faith tradition
- Christianity
- Topics
- Law
Roman Catholic Canon Law
- The Canon Law of the Roman Catholic Church is contained in two Codes that legislate on the way the Church is organized and carries out its activities in the world. The Law is understood with reference to a renewed ecclesiology expressed in the texts of the Second Vatican Council, which deeply...
- Author
- Patrick Valdrini
- Faith tradition
- Christianity
- Topics
- Law, Spiritual life and practices
Law in the Old Testament
- In the Bible, legal discourse is often employed for theological purposes. It contributes to the search for an ordered life in the presence of God. While many factors are involved in such a quest, this essay focuses on four primary concepts: divine presence, holiness, righteousness, and th...
- Author
- William S. Morrow
- Faith tradition
- Christianity
- Topics
- Law, Sacred texts
Law and Religion in Brahmanism: the Dharmaśāstra
- This entry delves into the origin, sources, and role of the Dharmaśāstra (science of dharma) in the historical and cultural context of ancient India. In contrast to other ancient civilizations (such as the Roman Republic and Empire), ancient Indian society was characterized by the lack of a...
- Author
- Alessandro Giudice
- Faith tradition
- Hinduism
- Topics
- Law, Theological methods
Heresy: Early Development of the Concept
- After tracing the evolution in meaning of the Greek word hairesis from ‘choice’ to ‘false belief’, this entry examines the criteria according to which a belief was judged to be heretical, either by particular controversialists or by bodies which purported to legislate on behalf of the Chris...
- Author
- Mark Edwards
- Faith tradition
- Christianity
- Topics
- Law, Theological movements
Holiness – Kedushah
- Holiness can be analysed in terms of three frameworks: as a real property of sacred persons, places, things, and times; as an ascription of a special status, especially that of ownership by or proximity to God; and as a project of spiritual and ethical striving. The Bible exemplifies each...
- Author
- Alan Mittleman
- Faith tradition
- Judaism
- Topics
- Being and existence, Law
The Last Judgment
- The last judgment is widely understood in Christianity as something which will take place in the eschata or eschaton (sometimes called ‘the end times’), with only marginal significance for everyday life. A closer look reveals this notion to be misguided. Understanding the last judgment as a...
- Author
- Markus Mühling
- Faith tradition
- Christianity
- Topics
- Being and existence, Law
Law in the New Testament
- This article explores the theme of law in the New Testament of the Christian Bible. Law is almost ubiquitous in the twenty-seven books comprising the New Testament, being a main theme in the letters of Paul and several Gospels, as well as parts of Acts and the Catholic letters. In these s...
- Author
- Matthew V. Novenson
- Faith tradition
- Christianity
- Topics
- Law, Sacred texts
1 - 9 of 9 Results.