Browse articles
- Law in the Old Testament by William S. Morrow
- Liturgy by Benedikt Kranemann
- Liturgy of the Byzantine Rite by Damaskinos Olkinuora
- The Lord’s Prayer by John Gavin
- Love in Christian Ethics by Oliver O’Donovan
- Lutheran Confessionalism by Werner Klän
- Lutheran Ecclesiology by Jonathan Mumme
- Magisterial Teaching of John Paul II, Benedict XVI, and Francis by Tracey Rowland
- Methodist Theology by Paul Chilcote
- Migration and Christian Theology by Ilsup Ahn
- Millenarianism by Jayne Svenungsson
- Mind and Consciousness by Charles Taliaferro
- Minjung Theology by Andrew Eungi Kim and Jongman Kim
- Missio Dei by Chung-Hyun Baik and Sinwoong Kim
- Missiology by James Butler, Harvey Kwiyani, and Cathy Ross
Showing 106 - 120 of 210 articles.