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Sacrifice and the Old Testament
- This article introduces the reader to ancient sacrificial rituals that the biblical authors regarded as acceptable to their God, as they are portrayed in Old Testament Hebrew texts. These texts, especially instructions in the Pentateuch regarding the system of ...
- Author
- Roy E. Gane
- Faith tradition
- Christianity
- Topics
- Sacred texts
- The centre of Christian liturgy is the revelation of God in Jesus of Nazareth. In the first section of this article, the understanding of this liturgical centre is unpacked within different denominational contexts (mystery celebration, proclamation event, sacred play, staging of the gospe...
- Author
- Benedikt Kranemann
- Faith tradition
- Christianity
- Topics
- Spiritual life and practices
The Goodness, Holiness, and Love of God
- What is true of God? And what is God like? What are God’s qualities? These are perennial questions in theology. These questions receive an answer via the doctrine of the divine attributes. The doctrine unfolds God’s names, what is true of the one essence of the one God, Father, Son, and Hol...
- Author
- Christopher R. J. Holmes
- Faith tradition
- Christianity
- Topics
- Being and existence
Embodiment and Liturgy
- People assembled in worship and prayer constitutes one of the most common images of the Christian religion; indeed, it is often what people have in mind when they say ‘church’. While Christian worship has developed patterns and content specific to its beliefs from the New Testament period...
- Author
- Bruce T. Morrill
- Faith tradition
- Christianity
- Topics
- Spiritual life and practices, Being and existence
- At the heart of many forms of Hinduism is a multiple-layered vision of becoming concentred in the divine reality. Across three millennia of Hindu socioreligious history, various texts, teachers, and traditions have envisioned a world suffused with divine presence within which individuals ar...
- Author
- Ankur Barua
- Faith tradition
- Hinduism
- Topics
- Being and existence, Spiritual life and practices
The Temple in the Christian Bible
- The temple of Jerusalem was a monumental structure of the Middle East from the tenth century BCE until the year 70 CE. It passed through phases of renovation, demise, and reconstruction. In scripture, and in the faiths of Judaism and Christianity, the Jerusalem temple is more than merely a ...
- Author
- Stephen L. Cook
- Faith tradition
- Christianity
- Topics
- Sacred texts
- In this entry, the Christian theology of prayer will be approached as a reflection on prayer practices. Prayer is a communicative act by which one or more human beings address themselves to God, in the awareness that God already has established the divine-human relationship. Christianity is a...
- Author
- Marcel Sarot
- Faith tradition
- Christianity
- Topics
- Spiritual life and practices
Christian Year
- The Christian, or liturgical, year sets human lives within God’s story of creation and salvation, sanctifying moments, days, years, and lives. Calendar and hourly time become God’s time as the Christian year encompasses and intermingles past, present, and future. Following the key...
- Author
- Robin Knowles Wallace
- Faith tradition
- Christianity
- Topics
- Spiritual life and practices
Performing Arts and Embodiment in Christian Theology
- Across the geographical breadth and temporal depth of Christianity, theology and the performing arts have been natural partners, suspect allies, committed enemies, and passionate friends. Performing arts are bodily actions in time and space. Christian worship becomes the embodied actions of...
- Author
- Todd E. Johnson and Shannon Craigo-Snell
- Faith tradition
- Christianity
- Topics
- Society and culture
1 - 9 of 9 Results.