What Christians call ‘creation’ is fundamentally, inescapably, and entirely temporal. Humans, too, are temporal beings. As such, understanding the nature of time has been a philosophical pursuit since the pre-Socratic philosophers. Theologians have not been exempted from this interest, an...
Dōgen can without any doubt be considered one of the most important Japanese thinkers of all times. An aristocrat by birth, he entered the head monastery of the Tendai school favoured by the nobility at an early age, left it when he did not find satisfactory answers to his questions, later st...
The Christian, or liturgical, year sets human lives within God’s story of creation and salvation, sanctifying moments, days, years, and lives. Calendar and hourly time become God’s time as the Christian year encompasses and intermingles past, present, and future.
Following the key...
Among theists there is neither philosophical nor theological consensus regarding divine eternity. Disagreement can be sharp, and the literature treating God’s eternity is vast, varied, and often complex. For Christians there is a perennial interest in divine eternity because Christianity is a...