Subsequent to the ‘evangelical counsels’ of the Middle Ages (which encouraged Christian believers to pursue poverty, chastity, and obedience), the adjective ‘evangelical’ has attached to ‘theology’ in various ways. Thus, ‘evangelical theology’ potentially refers to: (first) a commitment t...
Conversion – the turning from one religion, belief, or way of life to another informed by the saving activity of Christ – is a central theme of Christianity. From a theological perspective, conversion, the human experience of salvation, is distinguished from regeneration, the hidden, divi...
The New Testament gospel, or ‘good news’, is especially the announcement of Jesus’ saving death and resurrection. The New Testament explains that it is ‘according to the scriptures.’ This means that this good news must be understood in light of the backstory of God’s saving acts in history.
This article explores the theme of law in the New Testament of the Christian Bible. Law is almost ubiquitous in the twenty-seven books comprising the New Testament, being a main theme in the letters of Paul and several Gospels, as well as parts of Acts and the Catholic letters. In these s...