This entry investigates the singular Islamic theme of al-ḥaqq and al-ḥaqīqa (truth and reality), with particular attention being given to the mystical tradition of Islam. Since there are numerous meanings underpinning al-ḥaqq, including truth, reality, fact, rightness, established, and nece...
Al-Ṣirāṭ al-Mustaqīm (the Straight Path) is a central concept within the Islamic tradition. It is loosely understood as the path that leads to God, often being employed as a reference to the Qur’an, the Prophet Muḥammad, or Islam in general. Throughout the history of Islam, many scholars an...
Sufism is concerned with a broad trend within Islamicate societies towards expressing how taṣawwuf, as a path of spiritual refinement, has impacted religious, social, and political modes of human endeavour. If we look at taṣawwuf more specifically, we can identify a vibrant discourse of tho...
The Islamic mystical doctrine of the perfect human (al-insān al-kāmil) – whose bodily existence is deemed to mark the culmination of the cosmic process of divine self-disclosure – has had a lasting impact on Sufi thought and practice from the late medieval period onwards. It has also filter...