This entry begins with a consideration of what a soul is and whether it is reasonable to believe in its existence. It then looks at what, if anything, the Bible teaches about the existence of the soul, and whether there are non-biblical reasons for believing in the soul’s existence. Some bibl...
Purgatory is a place, state, or stage in the Christian afterlife where, after death, the soul is purged of minor, unexpiated sin so that it can be fit for heaven. ‘Purgatory’ derives from the Latin purgare (to purge) and hence as the noun purgatorium it is a place of purgation and purific...
Theology and psychiatry have a common concern with the human mind or soul, but very different histories of how they have understood and investigated their respective interests. Christian theology, which we might refer to here as the ‘science of God’, has developed over a period of two thous...