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- The centre of Christian liturgy is the revelation of God in Jesus of Nazareth. In the first section of this article, the understanding of this liturgical centre is unpacked within different denominational contexts (mystery celebration, proclamation event, sacred play, staging of the gospe...
- Author
- Benedikt Kranemann
- Faith tradition
- Christianity
- Topics
- Spiritual life and practices
Liturgy of the Byzantine Rite
- The present entry deals with the Byzantine rite, a term employed here in its broad meaning to refer to the liturgical tradition of Eastern Chalcedonian Christians. These are Eastern Orthodox and various Eastern rite Catholics, who share a common liturgical tradition shaped in the Eastern pa...
- Author
- Damaskinos Olkinuora
- Faith tradition
- Christianity
- Topics
- Spiritual life and practices
Embodiment and Liturgy
- People assembled in worship and prayer constitutes one of the most common images of the Christian religion; indeed, it is often what people have in mind when they say ‘church’. While Christian worship has developed patterns and content specific to its beliefs from the New Testament period...
- Author
- Bruce T. Morrill
- Faith tradition
- Christianity
- Topics
- Spiritual life and practices, Being and existence
Protestant Recovery of Deacons and Deaconesses
- The terms ‘deaconess’ and ‘deacon’ refer to an office of service in the church that exists today and dates back to the first century. The terms themselves are derived from the Greek verb, diakonein, and its cognate nouns diakonos and diakonia. Diakonein meant to serve or to minister. The no...
- Author
- Jeannine Olson
- Faith tradition
- Christianity
- Topics
- Spiritual life and practices
Magisterial Teaching of John Paul II, Benedict XVI, and Francis
- This chapter offers an overview of the magisterial teaching of the pontificates of John Paul II, Benedict XVI, and Francis. This includes a summary of the content of their encyclicals and their other most significant magisterial documents. Summaries are also provided of the major theologica...
- Author
- Tracey Rowland
- Faith tradition
- Christianity
- Topics
- Theological movements
The Lord’s Prayer
- Christians throughout the world recite the Lord’s Prayer in their personal devotions and in liturgical settings. Its universality and authority stem from its origin in the very words of Jesus in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke. Thus, Cyprian of Carthage (210–258) could write: ‘For what can be...
- Author
- John Gavin
- Faith tradition
- Christianity
- Topics
- Spiritual life and practices
Architecture and Christian Theology
- There is an obvious convergence, in the spaces used for Christian worship, between the practice of architecture and the concerns of Christian theology. Even the most utilitarian of spaces – an old warehouse, a community hall, a converted office building – when adapted for use in Christian w...
- Author
- Murray Rae
- Faith tradition
- Christianity
- Topics
- Society and culture
The Temple in the Christian Bible
- The temple of Jerusalem was a monumental structure of the Middle East from the tenth century BCE until the year 70 CE. It passed through phases of renovation, demise, and reconstruction. In scripture, and in the faiths of Judaism and Christianity, the Jerusalem temple is more than merely a ...
- Author
- Stephen L. Cook
- Faith tradition
- Christianity
- Topics
- Sacred texts
The Church in the Christian Bible
- The theme of ‘church’ in the New Testament raises four central questions, the answers to which are essential for Christian theology. The questions are there for all, because of the text; but the answers are of different importance, due to the different traditions: (1) what is the relationsh...
- Author
- Thomas Söding
- Faith tradition
- Christianity
- Topics
- Sacred texts
Music and Orthodox Theology
- The expression of theology by means of music in the Orthodox Church is something that has been discussed and regulated since the Patristic era, which itself takes as its basis the Psalms and the Gospels. The way in which this expression has been achieved practically, however, has varied consi...
- Author
- Ivan Moody
- Faith tradition
- Christianity
- Topics
- Spiritual life and practices
1 - 10 of 19 Results.