This article explores the Christian notion of the resurrection of the dead under four headings: finality, individuality, communality and hope. For each, it takes its starting point in 1 Corinthians 15, and from there explores the debates and controversies associated with each basic affirmat...
The last judgment is widely understood in Christianity as something which will take place in the eschata or eschaton (sometimes called ‘the end times’), with only marginal significance for everyday life. A closer look reveals this notion to be misguided. Understanding the last judgment as a...
Prophetic figures and words are evoked throughout the Old and the New Testaments, from Genesis to Revelation, and they are a foundational resource for liturgy and theology in both Jewish and Christian traditions. The prophets’ most important role, performed in the public eye and sometimes...
Christians throughout the world recite the Lord’s Prayer in their personal devotions and in liturgical settings. Its universality and authority stem from its origin in the very words of Jesus in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke. Thus, Cyprian of Carthage (210–258) could write: ‘For what can be...