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Angels (malāʾika)
- After a short overview of angels in Islam, this entry begins with a description of the role angels play in the Qur’an, focusing on their appearance in prophetic narratives, in descriptions of heaven and hell, and in debates the Qur’an has with its polytheist interlocutors. While the Qur’an ...
- Author
- Stephen Burge
- Faith tradition
- Islam
- Topics
- Being and existence
Resurrection of the Dead
- This article explores the Christian notion of the resurrection of the dead under four headings: finality, individuality, communality and hope. For each, it takes its starting point in 1 Corinthians 15, and from there explores the debates and controversies associated with each basic affirmat...
- Author
- Susannah Ticciati
- Faith tradition
- Christianity
- Topics
- Sacred texts
The Last Judgment
- The last judgment is widely understood in Christianity as something which will take place in the eschata or eschaton (sometimes called ‘the end times’), with only marginal significance for everyday life. A closer look reveals this notion to be misguided. Understanding the last judgment as a...
- Author
- Markus Mühling
- Faith tradition
- Christianity
- Topics
- Being and existence, Law
Jesus’ Descent into Hell
- The Apostles’ Creed affirms that, between his death and resurrection, Jesus Christ descendit ad inferna, ‘descended to the realm of the dead’ or, more traditionally, ‘descended into hell’. Christians across time and history have expressed particular interpretations of this clause in liturgy...
- Author
- Preston McDaniel Hill and Catherine Ella Laufer
- Faith tradition
- Christianity
- Topics
- Being and existence
- In contemporary English, ‘hell’ is almost always used to refer either literally or metaphorically to a place of post-mortem punishment. However, in a longer perspective, the term was once commonly used to allude to the underworld more generally. In the latter sense in the Catholic West it b...
- Author
- David Brown
- Faith tradition
- Christianity
- Topics
- Being and existence
Purgatory in Historical Perspective
- Purgatory is a place, state, or stage in the Christian afterlife where, after death, the soul is purged of minor, unexpiated sin so that it can be fit for heaven. ‘Purgatory’ derives from the Latin purgare (to purge) and hence as the noun purgatorium it is a place of purgation and purific...
- Author
- Isabel Moreira
- Faith tradition
- Christianity
- Topics
- Being and existence
1 - 6 of 6 Results.