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Sonship in the Bible
- The people of Israel and the early Christians considered themselves to be in a privileged familial relationship with God. It is this special status as ‘sons’ which necessitates careful examination of this theme throughout the biblical narrative. First, it is vital to apprehend, as much as i...
- Author
- Joshua Maurer and Amy Peeler
- Faith tradition
- Christianity
- Topics
- Sacred texts
God and Philosophy of Time
- What Christians call ‘creation’ is fundamentally, inescapably, and entirely temporal. Humans, too, are temporal beings. As such, understanding the nature of time has been a philosophical pursuit since the pre-Socratic philosophers. Theologians have not been exempted from this interest, an...
- Author
- Emily Qureshi-Hurst
- Faith tradition
- Christianity
- Topics
- Being and existence
Missio Dei
- Missio Dei represents a missiological attempt to articulate a theocentric concept of mission with reference to the missionary nature and act of the triune God. This attempt arose as a reaction to the ecclesiocentric understanding of mission which was predominant within the Western global ...
- Author
- Chung-Hyun Baik and Sinwoong Kim
- Faith tradition
- Christianity
- Topics
- Theological methods
- Evil both is and is not a central part of the Christian theological vision. There is no equal and opposite to God, and no necessary or appropriate place for evil in God’s good creation. Nevertheless, creation is afflicted by evil: the divine response to evil is a central part of Christian f...
- Author
- Karen Kilby
- Faith tradition
- Christianity
- Topics
- Being and existence
Participation in the Christian Doctrinal and Philosophical Tradition
- ‘Participation’ or ‘partaking’ has featured in Christian theology since the New Testament, describing a relation of derivation, likeness, or communion. Theologians including Gregory of Nyssa, Augustine of Hippo, Pseudo-Dionysius, Maximus the Confessor, and Thomas Aquinas made this theme a...
- Author
- Andrew Davison
- Faith tradition
- Christianity
- Topics
- Being and existence
Wisdom in the Old Testament
- This article takes a thematic approach to commonalities between the three main wisdom books in the Old Testament/Hebrew Bible (OT/HB; sections 1–3), and then looks briefly at apocryphal and New Testament (NT) developments (section 4). The first section covers the acquisition of wisdom; it...
- Author
- Katharine Dell
- Faith tradition
- Christianity
- Topics
- Sacred texts
Jewish Ethics
- Before modern times, there was no systematic account of Jewish ethics. This can be attributed to the fact that Jewish tradition never considered ethics an autonomous subject matter or mode of inquiry. There is no indigenous Hebrew word for ethics, describing what ancient Greek thinkers used t...
- Author
- Eugene Korn
- Faith tradition
- Judaism
- Topics
- Ethics
Experience: A Philosophical View
- The philosophical account of experience presented here considers this ‘most deceitful’ (16) and ‘obscure’ (346) word as an epistemological category, that is, as integral to our access to truth in both its gnoseological and ontological dimensions. Experience, in this sense, is the practical ...
- Author
- Antonio López
- Faith tradition
- Christianity
- Topics
- Being and existence
The Lord’s Prayer
- Christians throughout the world recite the Lord’s Prayer in their personal devotions and in liturgical settings. Its universality and authority stem from its origin in the very words of Jesus in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke. Thus, Cyprian of Carthage (210–258) could write: ‘For what can be...
- Author
- John Gavin
- Faith tradition
- Christianity
- Topics
- Spiritual life and practices
Migration and Christian Theology
- This article provides a comprehensive and in-depth Christian theological account of human migration by drawing on various biblical and theological resources. In so doing, it focuses on five key theological themes that lie at the foundation of migration theologies: the Bible, God, Christ, the ...
- Author
- Ilsup Ahn
- Faith tradition
- Christianity
- Topics
- Society and culture
1 - 10 of 23 Results.