Creation in the Old Testament (or Hebrew Bible) is not limited to the first two creation accounts in Genesis (1:1–2:3; 2:4b–3:24). It is a widespread theme featured not only in Genesis but also in the Psalms, the Prophets, and the Wisdom literature. This article surveys representative creat...
The relationship of theology and cosmology has been fruitful to both disciplines. This article suggests that the Judaeo-Christian tradition is a key influence in shaping the development of cosmology, and that physical cosmology as it arose in the twentieth century continues to give insights...
This article begins with an introduction briefly sketching the concepts of Western Christian theology and science in a systematic perspective informed by the historical shaping of the terms. It then offers an inquiry into the biblical traditions and their relations to the development of sci...
After a short overview of angels in Islam, this entry begins with a description of the role angels play in the Qur’an, focusing on their appearance in prophetic narratives, in descriptions of heaven and hell, and in debates the Qur’an has with its polytheist interlocutors. While the Qur’an ...
The doctrine of angels is not the heart of the gospel. However, it is also not extrinsic cultural symbolism borrowed from the surrounding culture, purely accidental, as a means through which the Christian faith expressed itself in the past, and which it could – or even should – abandon today ...